Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Black Death 3 : TRANSMigra early works Pt I

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man movie poster, 1991
A bike fabricator in East Tennessee met an artist in Asheville, North Carolina. That's not us; it's a movie poster.

screen grab from the opening scene of Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man featuring the iconic artwork of the Black Death FXR
Our first collaboration was a replica of a cult classic bike - the Black Death 3 from 1991 smash hit Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. Above is a screen grab from the flick, the bike ridden by Mickey Rourke. He played the title role of "Harley Davidson" alongside Don Johnson as "The Marlboro Man"

aged and distressed original Black Death FXR was eventually transferred from Mickey Rourke to Chuck Zito for refurbishing
 This is allegedly one of the Black Deaths in an aged state, perhaps the original Black Death 1 transferred from Mickey Rourke to Chuck Zito for restoration. These bikes were built by Gene Thomason of Bartels Harley Davidson in Los Angeles. The artwork provides quite a challenge as the hand painted lettering with skull and cards emblem is both iconic and unrefined.

bad example, a botched attempt at a Black Death 3 FXR replica
 As you can see, many have tried to create replicas but have missed the mark.

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man Black Death 3 FXR replica nearing completion
Our bike builder Jay is not one to miss the mark. Here the bike is shown near completion, with the modified softail gas tank bearing only stencil outlines for the painter to do his magic.

Here we also enter into the mysterious relationship with this gas tank and multiple washing machines . . .

Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progress
Our painter is also a perfectionist in his own right, and found the lettering to be a bit off. The biggest challenge was to add some meat to HARLEY DAVIDSON with very little breathing room in the letter registration.
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progress
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progressHarley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progress
Not bad for our first attempt . . .

Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progress
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank painting in progress
Somehow Jeremiah managed to cut himself with a paint marker.

Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank right side
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank joker detail right
 In the early days, a crappy camera was involved to ensure authenticity.
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank left side
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica softail gas tank left side detail

We were able to reach that elusive zone between unpolished roughness and iconic presence.
Harley Davidson Black Death 3 FXR replica motorcycle ready for sale
Jay put his heart and soul into matching every detail of the bike within his control and the availability of parts. With the bike complete, it was delivered to an anonymous distributor and sold to a mysterious buyer in a land far away.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, everyone. I've been getting some emails asking for more bike building pics of the FXR. Please post to the comments. I check them regularly.

    Yes Jay is on a road trip, on an FXR, so these images have been painter heavy. I will ask him for more when he gets back.
